Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Still Undercover... Still Life (believe it or not)!

Hey guys!!! Day two, how am I doing???

Today was normal... again. Ugh, so many boring days in a row. That's like two days in a row!!!!!

I had a Shakespeare performance in English.. Imagion me in enlish wy do I nede to be in the clas I alredy hav a jobb and stuf; I geuss if I get laid of or sumthing I mite neid Eglish (Just kidding I can spell :), and actually I'm in honors English thank you very much).

During lunch I talked to Record Sales Men (remember there just code names for security reasons) about a new secret plan called PAULLY THE PARROT and she and I came up with a new secret handshake identification tool (no, there not stupid they're really cool!). Record Salesmen however decided just because she's an undercover detective she's better than me... Would you believe that (Look at the poll tell me which is better)????

That's about it. Nothing Special.

Signing Out!!!!

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