Friday, November 13, 2009

Assignment: TOP SECRET

Hey guys sorry I've been on assignment for a couple days. See, Wednesday we had the day off school so the feds (my bosses) decided it would be a great day to have meetings all freakin day long.

Fortunatly for me I got called out from those to go on assignment somewhere you can't know. They gave me two hours to be on a plane. While I was there I did get to see a broadway show which was cool! I also had one of those bag bombs thrown at me in central park... thinking it was the REAL thing I did an amazing lateral jump into a bush. Turned out to be a couple of Junior guys throwing stink bombs, talk about embarasing.

The rest of my life was pretty boring, had an arguement with Record Salesmen on which one of us is better... again. Had to run a 100 meter sprint in PE (no big deal I can run pretty fast, I have to be able to. Ate Lunch all those things a freshmen in high school (and not the CIA) does.

Catch ya all later

Shark Fin (that's my code name deal with it)

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