Saturday, November 14, 2009

House Cleaning and Secret Meetings

Today as you probably guessed I cleaned my house!!! Yay, my favorite (I'm kidding). I got to be done at 1 oclock though, cause I had a meeting with my sister whose not actually related to me who happens to work as a secretary keeping the FBI updated with what the Junior branch of the CIA is doing. We in the CIA call her the Informer, cause that's what she does... Obviously.

Then I went to a meeting with Chipper, one of the junior agents I'm training, to get an update on stuff. Then I came home and wrote a 3 and half page paper for my theater class. Now I'm babysitting my siblings while my parents are at a theater performance... Guess my brother and sister are pretty safe considering we have just about the same amount of security in our has as the Big Man has in the White House.

That's about it, pretty boring day, flew by though (go figure).

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