Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Arctic mission... In the Arctic

Just check the weather map, and you'll see rain everywhere. And when it rains in a valley it snows in the mountains and in the Arctic.

Don't ask me why I was there (top secret.. obviously)... but let me tell you it is hard to find a computer out in the middle of Nowhere. (The firefighter isn't a help either).

So there we were me and my firefighter (on off days at the CIA she works as an arson investigator) trekking through a blizzard, in the snow, attempting to get updates on our mission. Then Firefighter changed professions in the blink of an eye (as people who have multiple careers do I am told) and my firefighter became an Eskimo. This made me feel all the more cold and miserable because I was not in a giant fuzzy coat. How did we get to a snowy hell? Well we were on our way to Greenland on a mission, then our plane was hijacked (not fun, in case you're taking a survey) and the hijackers dropped us like hot potatoes into a bed of snow at soon as we didn't cooperate. I love my job, but it has it's off days let me tell you. Luckily Firefighter and I were dressed for Greenland, so we didn't freeze to death and right now we're waiting in the UK's base in a bed of snow for a chopper to come get us the heck out of here!!!

More updates later,

Shark Fin (I got to pick my own codename don't make fun of it).

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