Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey Day... in Turkey

Where was Shark Fin on Thanksgiving???? You're probably asking yourself, well ask no longer!!! I was in the country of Turkey (ironic, I know) being a diplomat to a bunch of people you've probably never heard of. So, I had turkey and trimmings a little bit late :(. But on the bright side I got to wear these new pants the tech guys sent me. They appear to be purple skinny jeans with black leopard print, but if you press the button of the pants the black phases into the purple and you can tell that the pants are 100% leather (pretty hot stuff... I know :)

Anyway I think that's all I can legally tell you... Signing off,
Me (Shark Fin)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Get Home from a Mission... Get 4 Hours Sleep!!!

Wow, it's been a busy several days. First, I went on a mission (low danger, exciting, pretty much great). Then got home and my cousins, two of which (Noelle and Hawk) are agents... three are not (Gentlemen, brown bear and Mercy), came to visit and we had a grand old time that was non work related.

We did the awesomest stuff!!! I really enjoy hanging out with them. Then me, my brother, Hawk and Noelle got called into the feild for a delivery job of something that was needed by MI6 (british intellegence). So we got on a plane and continued having fun there (no one would ever expect a bunch of inventive "little" kids are carrying government property).

Yesterday night we got home at 11 o'clock and I got up at 2 this morning. I couldn't go back to sleep... so I watched the really old Disney movies Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avanlea.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Um.... I think a title's optional

Hmmm.... Nothing really happening. Still debriefing from the mission in NYC (in case you didn't pick up on where it was). I have a Spanish quiz tomorow. See, in order to graduate high school, ya have to take a foreign language... So I'm taking Espanol even though I speak it and 3 other languages fluently (It's kind of frustrating).

On Sunday I did a extra Battle Practice seminar and went to church. Um, I think that's just about it. I made my own pizza tonight!!!!

Signing off,

Shark Fin (That's still my code name... Can't do nothing about it.)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

House Cleaning and Secret Meetings

Today as you probably guessed I cleaned my house!!! Yay, my favorite (I'm kidding). I got to be done at 1 oclock though, cause I had a meeting with my sister whose not actually related to me who happens to work as a secretary keeping the FBI updated with what the Junior branch of the CIA is doing. We in the CIA call her the Informer, cause that's what she does... Obviously.

Then I went to a meeting with Chipper, one of the junior agents I'm training, to get an update on stuff. Then I came home and wrote a 3 and half page paper for my theater class. Now I'm babysitting my siblings while my parents are at a theater performance... Guess my brother and sister are pretty safe considering we have just about the same amount of security in our has as the Big Man has in the White House.

That's about it, pretty boring day, flew by though (go figure).

Friday, November 13, 2009

Assignment: TOP SECRET

Hey guys sorry I've been on assignment for a couple days. See, Wednesday we had the day off school so the feds (my bosses) decided it would be a great day to have meetings all freakin day long.

Fortunatly for me I got called out from those to go on assignment somewhere you can't know. They gave me two hours to be on a plane. While I was there I did get to see a broadway show which was cool! I also had one of those bag bombs thrown at me in central park... thinking it was the REAL thing I did an amazing lateral jump into a bush. Turned out to be a couple of Junior guys throwing stink bombs, talk about embarasing.

The rest of my life was pretty boring, had an arguement with Record Salesmen on which one of us is better... again. Had to run a 100 meter sprint in PE (no big deal I can run pretty fast, I have to be able to. Ate Lunch all those things a freshmen in high school (and not the CIA) does.

Catch ya all later

Shark Fin (that's my code name deal with it)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Still Undercover... Still Life (believe it or not)!

Hey guys!!! Day two, how am I doing???

Today was normal... again. Ugh, so many boring days in a row. That's like two days in a row!!!!!

I had a Shakespeare performance in English.. Imagion me in enlish wy do I nede to be in the clas I alredy hav a jobb and stuf; I geuss if I get laid of or sumthing I mite neid Eglish (Just kidding I can spell :), and actually I'm in honors English thank you very much).

During lunch I talked to Record Sales Men (remember there just code names for security reasons) about a new secret plan called PAULLY THE PARROT and she and I came up with a new secret handshake identification tool (no, there not stupid they're really cool!). Record Salesmen however decided just because she's an undercover detective she's better than me... Would you believe that (Look at the poll tell me which is better)????

That's about it. Nothing Special.

Signing Out!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Everyday Undercover Life

Well, here we go. When your 13 and an undercover spy you got to tell someone what happens to you everyday.

Today my alarm went off at 600 hours, and I roused myself out of bed. I've been on assignment all weekend in San Fransisco.... never mind what I was doing. Anyway, I woke up checked my assignment status, pretty normal. Nothing exiting happened, I got ready to leave for school.

During the school day I live like a pretty normal freshman, classes, drama, classes, homework etc. But sometimes I get called into the field or one of my coworkers (there are quite a few who go to PV high school that are my age or grade) gets called into work, and things get messy to say the least :).

First three classes were fine nothing unusual, just everyday non-spy life. Then at lunch.... pretty normal too I sat and talked to car washer (All my coworkers and I will be listed by code name for security reasons... sorry) and argued with my record salesman (her cover job :) on who was more important a junior CIA agent (me!) or an undercover detective (ugh! who needs them, I know).

Last three classes, still nothing to report.

After school went to a video conference at headquarters discussed TOP SECRET things you don't need to know and it had nothing to do with a shooting.

Following that I did my homework! (Well we all got to do it sometime).

Promptly I went to weapons training and learned how to use a 'Samaria sword' in lay mans terms.

Ate Dinner.

Sent in weekly report to Kirkland, my boss (I don't know if that's his real name or not, oh well).

That's about it a pretty boring day to say the least.