Saturday, December 19, 2009

Finals, Family and Food

After getting to go under cover as a diplomats daughter in Italy... I got the glorious privilege to take my geometry final exam (and others). Finals were long, not hard, but long. If a freshmen in high school ever complains about how hard their life is, smack 'em for me... They're lying through their teeth.

Finished three days of finals and did a musical performance up in a small mountain town called Paradise (no joke). My cousins are in town from Sacramento and we're having a grand old time.

Surprisingly I haven't had anything work related come up... yet.

Now I'm on Christmas break and hope to keep it that way.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

On My Way to Italy - - Check the Time This Was Posted

I was awake like all night just because, I went to the family room and saw my TV flashing 'MISSION'. One hour later I'm in the airport in San Fransisco, on my way to Sicily, Italy to save the world (what else would would I be doing at 5 in the morning).

Oh and I get to wear my purple pants on the plane (no I don't get a private jet, ugh!).

If anyone asks you I got up early cuz I couldn't sleep :).

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Work... Sleep... Clean... School.... Work... Clean... Sleep

All week it's been this routine, sometimes in different orders, but always the same elements. Nothing really interesting in work.

I have finals in a week (WooHoo!), I cleaned the house for 7 hours today, my favorite.

I wish I had something else to report... Hopefully work will pick up soon.

I'm going to go decorate my Christmas Tree,
Shark Fin